Hometown: Owatonna, MN

Background: I started running in 1992. Ran in high school and college (DII). I have always preferred running on trails, and have been fortunate enough to live and run in almost every region of the country: West, Northwest, Midwest, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast.

Racing competitively since: 1993. Took a lot of time off during my 20’s and 30’s, then started running more frequently in my 40’s.

Masters PRs: Mile: 4:46 (High Street Mile 2019) 5k: 16:34 (Carlsbad 5000 2022) 8k: 28:01 (time trial 2020) 10k: 34:40 (Coppa Sant Agata, Sicilia, Italy 2020) Half Marathon: 1:16:58 (Holiday Half Marathon 2021)

Highlights: Qualified and ran in the Boston Marathon a few times.

Favorite race: Living History of Farms CC race Des Moines, IA

Favorite workout: 1000 repeats. No idea why. 

Words to live by: "Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed." Charles Schulz

Why I choose to run for PRT: I like to be around fellow masochists. Strength in numbers!

Favorite PRT memory: Getting beat by Jason Batterson at every race. That guy has a serious kick at the end of every race.

What I like to do besides running:  Skiing, hiking, biking